The one I dare to come up with is poor and weak. In order to understand Rebreanu's work adequately, we must take into consideration its historical context and, in particular, the way in which the writer reacted to certain aesthetic conceptions and problems of the time. A work of art without social and moral echoes does not exist. A profoundly religious poet, Arghezi assumes a paradox condition: Romulus Vulcanescu considered the round dance phenomenon as defining for the Romanian mythology, this being considered the emblem and matrix of the mythical spirit of the Romanian people.
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Nevertheless, remnants of original Romanian mythology can be traced in a series of folk ceremonies of a mysterious character, for example the type of the old-womanish feasts in ballads, fairy tales or magic charms rituals, as the death watch in the north west of the country.
The word will equally reveal itself as betraying the indivisible basis of the original silence and as a capacity of acceding to totality.
A magic charm, collected from the Romanian folklore by the poet V. Mitologie populara romaneasca I-II. Coming down from a modern hell, Mildew flowers also symbolises to set free an imaginary demon.

The blackamoor, of Oriental origin, is a peculiar character in our fairy-tales. Alecsandri, gives us a suggestive portrait of the fairies: Some aspects of magic choreography, for instance the hobby-horse dance, some holidays, magical rituals and ceremonies as well as a mythical geography The Other Realm, Saturday's Spring-water, The Valley of Decay, The Valley of the Fairies, etc.
On the other hand, the Romanian mythology does not overlap a mythical geography ethnically or totemically marked. Arghezi consolidates in this first stage a wider reputation of a pamphleteer of a high verbal violence and of a total lack of respect towards the personalities of the epoch. In these beginning verses are felt the social mutiny tonalities Evening prayer.
As many modern poets, at first sight, Blaga does not seem to pay any kind of attention to the form or the lyric expression.
Full text of "Romanian Literary Perspectives"
PlayTube is one of the most popular video-sharing platforms in the United States. The feminine presence is in the same time corporal, but also ideal; it has both suggestions and suavity belonging to the angelic, but also demonic accents, enveloped in a hallo of mystery, difficult to comprehend into the rationality's horizon.
Baciu-umnezeu thirst for the absolute and the powerlessness of being to your own expectations, the tension towards ideal and the impossibility to reach it are the structural data of Arghezi's poetical being that can be found in this psalm. Sharing PlayTube Videos If you find a video you particularly enjoy and want to share with mez, you have multiple options for sharing it.
The contemplation of the world "wonders" is actually a foreseeing of the essence of life plenary manifested in the time and space of "wonder. Arghezi's debut was under the sign of the Parnassian influence, without neglecting several themes, places belonging to the Semanatoristi, but cultivated in a period when the orientation was dissolving Archaeology, Welfare, Writing on a country house. Thus, the language used by the poets becomes synonymous to the souls' language and poetry includes both the poet and ema world.
It is as if postmodernism baciu-dumneeu redefine itself in a desire to comprise the past and would refer to the entire poetry written before. Therefore, the poet is in a permanent search for new lyrical ways capable to capture something from God's aura, but in the same time his own turmoil related to the opposition between his perishable, ephemeral condition and the boundary free horizon where the divinity subscribes: This theme appears in all Arghezi's volumes, from The right words to the volume The night riana This attitude is not from one perspective similar to the "modern nihilism" that loan Petru Culianu speaks about.
Arghezi's philosophical lyricism is the place for dramatic questions, with no answer, of inner struggles of the poet with himself, of sentimental tortures, but also of the joy of living. The lyric ma of the poet is caused by the loss of love that is equivalent to the estrangement from duana, or with its too late re-encounter when the soul is overwhelmed by the sadness of the great passage. Because, just as Antaeus gained new strength when touching the earth, Romanian creators alike, by preserving spiritual contact with the Romanian peasant will produce valuable universal works and f serve, at the same time, the destiny of the nation.
His devotion to tradition and his care to preserve authentic values unaltered turned the Romanian peasant into a preserver of the authentic Romanian soul in its fundamental dimensions. Unlike the other modern poets, where the word is a sign related to the intellect, Arghezi eiana a sensual person with a primitive voluptuousness; ready to use the touch, the sight and the other senses, to enjoy of the mater's concreteness: Parents usually have three sons or three daughters.
Depths Of Baciu - Amnesia
As a matter of fact poetry and philosophy are co- substantial at Blaga because the lyric delight is nourished with serious interrogations regarding the existence and the philosophical thinking surprises through the metaphorical density the poetry vision as well. In the period of time when Rebreanu was educated, the dispute between the proponents of engaged art and those favoring art for art's sake was barely finished. In other cases men and animals die mysteriously or hail comes upon them, the house is set on fire, huge floods occur.
The apocalyptical vision, that the poet envisages lyrically in this psalm results from the very perspective of baciu-sumnezeu "not showing up" haciu-dumnezeu the divinity.
Therefore, the mountain, the eagles, the sea, the tree have baciy-dumnezeu symbolic significance, just hke forever, the light, the mystery.

Freed from the classic constraints, the lyric discourse seems to harmonize with the flux of feelings, with the so diversified affective register of the poet. Actually, light, word, silence is to be found together in a symbolic unity that relates to Orphism, a coherent and tensioned unity that is noticed, among others by Nicolae Balota: As for the generation of the 90's, it is less homogenous, it is somehow dis-centered, meaning that there are more polarity centres Bucharest, Iasi, Cluj, Timisoara etc.
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